Saturday, June 22, 2024

AI-Related Topics Covered in Video Include AlphaGo, Meta AI, and More

The Video Discusses Various AI-Related Topics

  • AlphaGo: A game-playing AI that can beat the best Go players in the world by playing against itself and learning from its mistakes.
  • Meta AI: A company that has released several new AI models, including:
    • Meta Chameleon: A 7 billion and 34 billion parameter language model that supports mixed modal input and text output.
    • Meta Multi-Token Prediction: Pre-trained language models for code completion using multi-token prediction.
    • Meta Jasco: Generative text-to-music models capable of accepting various conditioning inputs for greater controllability.
  • Other AI-related topics:
    • Grock releasing Whisper Large V3, a speech-to-text model that is lightning-fast and very accurate.
    • Anthropic dropping Claude 3.5 Sonet, a new version of their most intelligent language model yet.
    • The Ark Prize: A $1 million public competition to beat an open-source solution to the AR AGI Benchmark, defined as general intelligence.

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