Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Apple's New AI System and Integration into iOS 18, iPad 18, and Mac OS Sequoia: A Comparison with OpenAI and Google's Astra

Apple's New AI System and Integration into iOS 18, iPad 18, and Mac OS Sequoia

It looks like Apple has announced their new AI system, which will be integrated into various apps on iOS 18, iPad 18, and Mac OS Sequoia.

  • Apple Intelligence: Apple announced their new AI system, which will be integrated into various apps on iOS 18, iPad 18, and Mac OS Sequoia.
  • Calculator app: Apple finally added a calculator app to the iPad, allowing users to use their Apple Pencil to solve math problems.
  • Comparison with OpenAI: The host contrasts Apple's announcements with those of OpenAI, which has made significant advancements in AI technology, including the ability for two AI systems to have a natural conversation.
  • Google's Astra: The host also compares Apple's announcements with Google's Astra, which allows users to point their phone at something and chat with an AI about what they're seeing.

The transcript also includes some personal opinions and comments from the host, such as being disappointed by Apple's lackluster announcements and setting the bar too high for them.

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