Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Customizing Prompts and Handling Errors in LLM-Based Applications: Key Takeaways

  • The video showcases an example of using an LLM (Large Language Model) to generate a briefing document from text content.
  • Customizing prompts and tools is essential to achieve specific results, and handling errors during the process is crucial.
    • Key Points:
      1. Customized prompts for each domain or task are essential to get relevant results.
      2. Error handling is crucial, as errors will inevitably occur.
      3. Relevance filtering can be used to improve the quality of outputs by filtering out irrelevant information.
      4. API usage limitations should be implemented to prevent overwhelming the system.
      5. Outputs can be in Markdown format, which is useful for generating documents like briefing reports.


    • Customize prompts for specific domains or tasks.
    • Design agents that can handle errors and report back on them.
    • Limit API calls and tool use to prevent overwhelming the system.
    • Use relevance filtering agents to improve output quality.
    • Understand the importance of error handling in LLM-based applications.

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