Sunday, June 16, 2024

Identity and Purpose: Exploring PowerShell's Run Spaces Feature

Identity and Purpose

The topic of this video is PowerShell's Run Spaces feature.

  • Creating a new Run Space using the InitialSessionState class
  • Demonstrating various ways to use Run Spaces, including:
    • Creating an out-of-process Run Space for running PowerShell commands in a separate process from the main PowerShell process.
    • Connecting to external connections, such as named pipe connections, which can be used to communicate with other processes or systems.
    • Using Run Spaces for background purposes by running a background job using the Start-ThreadJob cmdlet.
  • Benefits and limitations of using Run Spaces, including:
    • Isolation between different PowerShell processes or systems
    • Improved security by limiting the impact of any potential security breaches
    • Increased scalability by allowing multiple background jobs to be run simultaneously

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